Robust rough-terrain locomotion with a quadrupedal robot

Published in IEEE, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018

Pëter Fankhauser, Marko Bjelonic, C Dario Bellicoso, Takahiro Miki, Marco Hutter


    , author = {Fankhauser, P{\'e}ter and Bjelonic, Marko and Bellicoso, C Dario and Miki, Takahiro and Hutter, Marco}
    , booktitle = {2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}
    , organization = {IEEE}
    , pages = {5761--5768}
    , title = {Robust rough-terrain locomotion with a quadrupedal robot}
    , year = {2018}