CERBERUS: Autonomous Legged and Aerial Robotic Exploration in the Tunnel and Urban Circuits of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge

Published in Journal of Field Robotics, 2021

Marco Tranzatto, Frank Mascarich, Lukas Bernreiter, Carolina Godinho, Marco Camurri, Shehryar Masaud Khan Khattak, Tung Dang, Victor Reijgwart, Johannes Loeje, David Wisth, others


    , author = {Tranzatto, Marco and Mascarich, Frank and Bernreiter, Lukas and Godinho, Carolina and Camurri, Marco and Khattak, Shehryar Masaud Khan and Dang, Tung and Reijgwart, Victor and Loeje, Johannes and Wisth, David and others}
    , journal = {Journal of Field Robotics}
    , publisher = {Wiley}
    , title = {CERBERUS: Autonomous Legged and Aerial Robotic Exploration in the Tunnel and Urban Circuits of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge}
    , year = {2021}